The Transportation and Sustainability committee has a number of subcommittees, which present excellent ways of getting involved with the committee.
Paper Review – John MacArthur
The paper review subcommittee manages the paper review process for paper submissions for the annual meeting. Every year the committee receives papers on the topic of transportation and sustainability and the subcommittee manages the review process, reviewer database, conducts reviews and suggest paper for publication in the TRR. The subcommittee works closely with the session planning subcommittee to develop sessions for the annual meeting. Subcommittee members jointly review papers, recruit reviewers, and match papers with potential reviewers. Current important opportunities include assisting in the review process and reviewing papers. Contact: [email protected]j
Session Planning – Yanzhi (Ann) Xu
The session planning subcommittee develops the workshops and sessions for TRB’s annual meeting. The subcommittee works closely with the Paper Review subcommittee as the sessions are developed from the papers submitted. We are looking for a couple people to join the subcommittee who can both review papers and help create the sessions for the upcoming conference. Contact: [email protected]
Sustainability Measurement – Dan Hardy
The sustainability measurement subcommittee mission is to advance the development of conceptual and operational elements for measuring and assessing the sustainability of transportation systems, policies, programs, and projects. The Subcommittee collects, reviews, refines, and disseminates knowledge on evolving criteria, standards, and good practice for measuring and rating sustainability with the aim of broadening awareness of, and helping to advance, the state of the practice. Contact: [email protected]
Research – Hanjiro Ambrose
The research subcommittee is focused on promoting research within the TRB system that addresses sustainable transportation/development. Whereas the scope of many TRB committees focus on a specific research topic or mode of transportation, ADD40 is in a unique position in that its subject area cuts across all aspects of transportation, including environmental, social, and economic issues. The ADD40 committee defines sustainability as “meeting the needs of current and future generations in terms of economic vitality, social equity, and a healthy environment (i.e., the triple bottom line).” From this holistic perspective, the research subcommittee made a strategic decision to avoid specific sustainability-related issues that are already covered by existing TRB committees and instead focus on promoting transportation research that integrates all three dimensions of sustainability. Contact: [email protected].
Strategic Planning – Seth Stark
The Transportation and Sustainability Committee’s (ADD40’s) 2016-2019 Triennial Strategic Plan can be accessed here. Contact: [email protected].
Communications – Ralph Hall
Contact: [email protected]